Current fleet
Big Boats:
GB-3 (eight) and Yam Pa Pah (four) are operational. We acquired a Pocock Quad through a rent-to-own plan.
The Bard (LW 2x) is active and can be used as a pair. The SeaShell recreational 2x will be used for training. A new addition to our fleet is a Vespoli HW 2x through a rent-to-own program, with a set of matching oars.
PORPA owns the Roman recreational 1x (learning single), and the Neher, our showpiece wooden 1x. Four Singles on loan to PORPA are the Warren (Pro-Am 25), MAAS (MAAS 24), Star (Alden Star) and Ocean (Alden Ocean) and are available for use by all members with specific certification. All singles have dedicated oar sets.
Two Trimline singles were donated to the Boy Scouts Camp in Coeur D’Alene to be used for badge specific activities.



Arthur Ericsson 8+ (coxed eight)
Our first PORPA shell.  On loan from WSU men's team, named after their coach who made the loan happen.
It is a 1994 Vespoli fiberglass shell that came to PORPA in 2014
Our prefered sweep learning shell is on loan to SRRA
George Bertram III 8+ (coxed eight)
Our premier competition eight.  Donated to PORPA by the University of Oregon, named after the gentelman that donated it to OU. 
It is a 2000 Milenium Vespoli carbon fiber shell that came to PORPA in 2016.


Yam Pah Pa 4+ (bow coxed four)
Our workhorse four.  Donated to PORPA by the University of Oregon, named using their convention after a body of water.  Yam Pah Pa is a native american name of the Snake river, border between Oregon and Idaho. 
It is a 2000 Milenium Vespoli carbon fiber shell that came to PORPA in 2016.
LW 2x (light weight double)
Our petit rowers double for average 75 kg rowers. It was donated to PORPA by current members.
Still waiting for the naming ceremony.
It is a 1997 Starline Carbon Glass Double that can be rigged as a pair.


Roman 1x (Recreational single)
Our learn to row single.  Donated by a Sandpoint resident.
It is a Graham recreational fiberglass single.
Our prefered sculling learning shell.
Neher 1x (Recreational single)
Our show and tell shell.  Wooden shell built and donated to PORPA by a Sandpoint surgeon.  
It is a beauty that requires tender love and care when taken out.  Great to go out for an afternoon spin.




SeaShell 2x (Open Water double)
This SeaShell double was donated to PORPA through SRRA in 2021.  Great learn to scull shell that can be also rigged as a single. 
It is a Little River Marine fiberglass shell.
MAAS-24 1x (Advanced single)
This MAAS-24 single belongs to a current member and is accessible to all members that are certified for its use.  
WARREN 1x (Advanced single)
This Little River Marine Pro Am 25 single belongs to a current member and is accessible to all members that are certified for its use.  
Star 1x (Advanced single)
This Alden Star single belongs to a current member and is accessible to all members that are certified for its use.  
Ocean 1x (Coastal single)
This Alden Ocean single belongs to a current member and is accessible to all members that are certified for its use.  

updated May 5th, 2023.